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Appreciation to the God Almighty for the successful conclusion of the 2023 Founders Day. More because He gave us a very clement weather, safety and good health before, during and after the program.

Dear seniors, school mates and the very active sets of Caposto Alumni, kindly accept my heartfelt appreciation for the support for me, the National exco and the Association in the just concluded 63rd Founders Day and Global Reunion.
I thank you all for your resources and time which you committed into the success of the events.

I am grateful to all our seniors and school mates who, despite their very busy schedule and the state of the Nigerian economy, attended the programs and those who committed their resources into the Project, the Reunion and the Crusades. I thank you all.

I specially want to thank the members of the executive, especially the VP, the GS, the Treasurer, the NFS and the AGS, who served the Association with their best at every stage of the Reunion program.
I must thank the members of the Reunion committee and the Crusade Committee, particularly the Chairs of the two committees, the various head of departments and members being part of the vision and for putting in a superlative program. Together we scored many first and I know that history will be kind to us in this regard.

Thanks so very much.
I also thank those in charge of related on-the-spot activities during the Reunion. You made my job easier.
I thank the facilitators of our programs and our elders who took time out to attend and participated actively in the events.

I thank the Presidents of sets and the set’s in attendance for adding glamour to the celebration of your alma mater. It was a rare pleasure and privilege working with the various sets of the Alumni.
Thank you and may God Almighty bless you all.

Dr Adekunle Akanbi SAN